We are so pleased that you are interested in enrollment at Riverbend Academy.
Riverbend Academy accepts the Step Up for Students Florida Tax Credit Scholarship (FTC) for the 2024-2025 school year.
Riverbend Academy, in order to maintain genuine liberty as a classical Christian school, seeks to avoid any funds from any government entity and, specifically, will not accept funds if the school is required to sign an agreement with the government or an outside organization to access the funding if that agreement creates a future obligation, or, if by statute, accessing the funds obligates the school to future obligations by the state or another agency besides the ACCS. In other words, for Riverbend Academy to accept a source of funding it must be on the condition that if the school stops accepting the funding, any strings must be immediately severed.
Should you need further information regarding scholarship opportunities, please contact the school office, 386-615-0986.